sluyspy.env module

Environment functions for the sluyspy package.

class sluyspy.env.Environment(tz: str = '', geo_lon: float = 0.0, geo_lat: float = 0.0, geo_alt: float = 0.0, host: str = '', home: str = '', on_zotac: bool = False, on_think: bool = False, sp_dir: str = '', el_dir: str = '', knmi_10min_dir: str = '', knmi_hourly_dir: str = '', knmi_daily_dir: str = '', wpw_dir: str = '', hwc_dir: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

el_dir: str = ''

Electricity-meter directory

geo_alt: float = 0.0

Geographical altitude in metres above sea level

geo_lat: float = 0.0

Geographical latitude in radians north of the equator

geo_lon: float = 0.0

Geographical longitude in radians east of Greenwich

home: str = ''

Home directory

host: str = ''

Host name

hwc_dir: str = ''

HWC main directory

knmi_10min_dir: str = ''

Directory for 10-min KNMI data

knmi_daily_dir: str = ''

Directory for daily KNMI data

knmi_hourly_dir: str = ''

Directory for hourly KNMI data

on_think: bool = False

Am I on Think?

on_zotac: bool = False

Am I on Zotac?

sp_dir: str = ''

Solar-panel directory

tz: str = ''

Time zone

wpw_dir: str = ''

WP weather directory


Return my computing environment.


cfg_file (str) – Configuration file to read system environment from (relative to home directory).


Dataclass containing the environment settings.

Return type:
