Source code for sluyspy.wp_data

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
#  Copyright (c) 2022-2024  Marc van der Sluys - Nikhef/Utrecht University -
#  This file is part of the sluyspy Python package:
#  Marc van der Sluys' personal Python modules.
#  See:
#  This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the European Union
#  Public Licence 1.2 (EUPL 1.2).  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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"""Functions to deal with WP weather data in the sluyspy package"""

import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
import as _swtr

[docs] def read_36h_forecast_data(wp_dir, loc, verbosity=1): """Read WP 36h forecast files (full day today + latest) and combine them. Parameters: wp_dir (str): Directory containing the WP data files. loc (str): Name of the town to read data for. verbosity (int): Verbosity (0-4 for silent to loud). Returns: (pd.df): Pandas.DataFrame containing time, clouds, rain, temp, press, RH, W.speed, W.dir. """ import datetime as dt today = # Set WP input file name: WP36File = wp_dir+'wp_weer_'+today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+'_36h.dat' # Read today's forecast: if verbosity > 1: print('- '+WP36File) df_today = read_36h_forecast_file(WP36File, loc, verbosity) # Read tomorrow's forecast: if verbosity > 1: print('- '+wp_dir+'wp_weer_latest_36h.dat') df_tomorrow = read_36h_forecast_file(wp_dir+'wp_weer_latest_36h.dat', loc, verbosity) # Combine the two datasets: if (df_today is None) and (df_tomorrow is None): return None elif df_today is None: df_combined = df_tomorrow elif df_tomorrow is None: df_combined = df_today else: df_combined = df_tomorrow.combine_first(df_today) if verbosity > 3: print('Combined WP data:\n', df_combined) return df_combined
[docs] def read_36h_forecast_file(file_name, loc, verbosity=1): """Read the forecast for the given location from a single WP 36h data file. Parameters: file_name (str): Name of the input file. loc (str): Location to read data for. verbosity (int): Verbosity (0-4 for silent to loud). Returns: (pandas.DataFrame): Forecast data for the location provided. None if no data were found. """ in_file = open(file_name,'r') # Determine 'header', ie number of lines to skip, by reading every line and checking for the location name: n_header=0 while n_header > -1: n_header += 1 line = in_file.readline() if loc in line: break if n_header > 442: return None n_header += 2 # Skip the two header lines wp_data = _np.genfromtxt(file_name, skip_header=n_header, max_rows=36) # Read the data # Convert Numpy array to Pandas dataframe: cols = ['year','month','day','time', 'clouds', 'rain', 'temp', 'press', 'rh', 'ws', 'wd'] time0 = wp_data[0,3] idx = range(36)+time0 # Set the index to time in hours since midnight today wp_data[:,3] = idx # Set time in hours since midnight today df = _pd.DataFrame(data=wp_data, index=idx, columns=cols) # Add datetime column 'dtm' to df: df['hour'] = df.time % 24 # Clock time in hours (0-23) df['dtm'] = _pd.to_datetime(df[['year','month','day','hour']]) # Turn the columns in the df into a single datetime column del df['year'],df['month'],df['day'],df['hour'] # No longer needed df = df[['dtm'] + [x for x in df.columns if x != 'dtm']] # Move datetime column to front # Convert "wind speed" (actually force) to proper wind speed in m/s: = 0.836 * _np.power(, 3/2) # v = 0.836 B^(3/2) m/s - # Compute derived variables: df['wchil'] = _swtr.wind_chill_temperature(df.temp, # Wind chill (deg C) df['dp'] = _swtr.dew_point_from_tempc_rh(df.temp, df.rh/100) # Dew point (deg C) df['ah'] = _swtr.absolute_humidity_from_tempc_rh(df.temp, df.rh/100) # Absolute humidity (g/m^3) if verbosity > 4: print('Single-file WP data:\n', df) return df
[docs] def smoothen_36h_forecast_data(wpfc, verbosity=1): """Smoothen WP 36h forecast data. Parameters: wpfc (pd.df): pandas.DataFrame containing WP forecast data. verbosity (int): Verbosity (0-4 for silent to loud). Returns: (tuple): tuple of three pd.dfs (wpfc,wpfci): - (pd.df): Pandas DataFrame containing WP forecast data. - (pd.df): Pandas DataFrame containing interpolated WP rain forecast data. """ if verbosity > 0: print('Smoothening WP forecast...') if wpfc is None: return None,None # Issue with WP data from scipy import interpolate as _ipol # ### WIND SPEED ### # Smoothen the predicted WP wind speed (coarse because it was force) with a fit: wpfc['ws_fit'] = None if is not None: coefficients = _np.polyfit(wpfc.time,, 11) # 11-th degree fit polynomial = _np.poly1d(coefficients) # polynomial contains the fit equation (try print(polynomial)) wpfc.ws_fit = _np.maximum(polynomial(wpfc.time),0) # Compute fit points for x; Wind speed shouldn't be negative = # Use a spline interpolation to fit the WP predicted wind 'speed' instead: # spl_coefs = _ipol.splrep(wpfc.time, # Compute the spline coefficients # wpfci['time'] = _np.arange(0,360)/10 # wpfci['ws'] = _ipol.splev(wpfci['time'], spl_coefs) # Do the spline interpolation #[<0] = 0 # Wind speed shouldn't be negative # Compute derived variables: wpfc['wchil'] = _swtr.wind_chill_temperature(wpfc.temp, wpfc.ws_fit) # Wind chill (from smoothened wind speed) # ### RAIN ### # Use a spline interpolation for the predicted WP rain: wpfci = _pd.DataFrame() if wpfc is not None: spl_coefs = _ipol.splrep(wpfc.time, wpfc.rain) # Compute the spline coefficients ipl_range = min(wpfc.time.iloc[-1]+1, 49) # 37-49 -> 36-48h wpfci['time'] = _np.arange(0,ipl_range*10+1)/10 wpfci['rain'] = _ipol.splev(wpfci.time, spl_coefs) # Do the spline interpolation wpfci.rain[wpfci.rain<0] = 0 # Rain shouldn't be negative if verbosity > 2: print('Raw WP data:\n', wpfc) if verbosity > 3: print('Interpolated WP rain data:\n', wpfci) return wpfc, wpfci