Source code for sluyspy.html

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
#  Copyright (c) 2022-2024  Marc van der Sluys - Nikhef/Utrecht University -
#  This file is part of the sluyspy Python package:
#  Marc van der Sluys' personal Python modules.
#  See:
#  This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the European Union
#  Public Licence 1.2 (EUPL 1.2).  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  PURPOSE.  See the EU Public Licence for more details.  You should have received a copy of the European
#  Union Public Licence along with this code.  If not, see <>.

"""HTML functions for the sluyspy package."""

# from .cli import error as _error
import datetime as _dt

[docs] def start_html_file(file_name='index.html', lang='en', title='Page title', icon=None, css=None, author='Marc van der Sluys', copyr_start=None, refresh=None, meta_prop=None): """Create an html file, write the head section and start the body. Parameters: file_name (str): Name/path of the html file. lang (str): Language. title (str): Page title. icon (str): Path to an icon file. css (str): Path to a css file. author (str): Author name. copyr_start (int): Starting year of copyright. refresh (int): Refresh period in minutes. meta_prop (dict): Dict of meta data with the keys containing properties and the values their content. Returns: (io): File descriptor. """ # Create the HTML file: f = open(file_name, 'w') f.write('<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n') f.write('<html lang="'+lang+'">\n') # Write the <head> section: f.write(' <head>\n') f.write(' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">\n') # Add refresh data if desired: if refresh is not None: f.write(' <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="'+str(refresh*60)+'">\n') # Add an icon or css if desired: if icon is not None: f.write(' <link rel="icon" href="'+icon+'">\n') if css is not None: f.write(' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+css+'">\n') # Add a title: f.write(' <title>'+title+'</title>\n') # Add an author and copyright if desired: if author != '': current_year = if (copyr_start is None) or (copyr_start == current_year): f.write(' <meta name="author" content="(c) '+str(current_year)+' '+author+'">\n') else: f.write(' <meta name="author" content="(c) '+str(copyr_start)+'-'+str(current_year)+' '+author+'">\n') # Add meta data if any: if meta_prop is not None: for key,value in meta_prop.items(): f.write(' <meta property="'+key+'" content="'+value+'">\n') # Close the <head> section and start the <body> section: f.write(' </head>\n') f.write(' \n') f.write(' <body>\n') return f
[docs] def close_html_file(fd, sc_id=None, sc_secr=None, sc_name=None): """Close an html file by writing StatCounter code if desired, and closing <body>, <html> and the file. Parameters: fd (io): File descriptor. sc_id (int): StatCounter project ID. sc_secr (str): StatCounter security secret. sc_name (str): Name for the StatCounter code block. """ # Create some space: fd.write(' \n') fd.write(' \n') # Write a StatCounter code block if desired: if (sc_id is not None) and (sc_secr is not None): if sc_name is not None: fd.write(' <!-- Start of StatCounter Code for '+sc_name+' -->\n') else: fd.write(' <!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->\n') fd.write(' <script type="text/javascript">\n') fd.write(' var sc_project='+str(sc_id)+'; \n') fd.write(' var sc_invisible=1; \n') fd.write(' var sc_security="'+str(sc_secr)+'"; \n') fd.write(' var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ?\n') fd.write(' "https://secure." : "http://www.");\n') fd.write(' document.write("<sc"+"ript type=''text/javascript'' src=''" +\n') fd.write(' scJsHost+\n') fd.write(' "''></"+"script>");\n') fd.write(' </script>\n') fd.write(' <noscript><div class="statcounter"><a title="web analytics"\n') fd.write(' href="" target="_blank"><img\n') fd.write(' class="statcounter"\n') fd.write(' src="//'+str(sc_id)+'/0/'+str(sc_secr)+'/1/" alt="web\n') fd.write(' analytics"></a></div></noscript>\n') if sc_name is not None: fd.write(' <!-- End of StatCounter Code for '+sc_name+' -->\n') else: fd.write(' <!-- End of StatCounter Code -->\n') fd.write(' \n') fd.write(' \n') # Close the <body> and <html> sections: fd.write(' </body>\n') fd.write('</html>\n') # Close the file: fd.close() return
[docs] def table_td_tr(indent, td_width, td_extra_width): """Define trtd, tdtd and tdtr elements for an html table. Parameters: indent (int): Number of spaces for indentation. td_width (str): Width of empty column between columns (e.g. '1%'). td_extra_width (str): Width of extra-wide empty column between columns (e.g. '10%'). Returns: (tuple): tuple containing trtd, tdtd, tdtdw, tdtr: - trtd (str): the <tr><td> element. - tdtd (str): the default </td><td> element. - tdtdw (str): the extra-wide </td><td> element. - tdbrtd (str): an empty </td><td> element for an empty row (<br>). - tdtr (str): the </td></tr> element. """ trtd = ' '*indent + '<tr><td>' tdtd = ' '*indent + '</td><td width="' + td_width + '"></td><td>' tdtdw = ' '*indent + '</td><td width="' + td_extra_width + '"></td><td>' tdbrtd = ' '*indent + '</td><td width="' + td_width + '"><br></td><td>' tdtr = ' '*indent + '</td></tr>\n' return trtd, tdtd, tdtdw, tdbrtd, tdtr
[docs] def last_update(fd, indent, size='65%', seconds=False, tz=False): """Add a 'Last update' line to an html file with the current system date and time. Parameters: fd (io): File descriptor. indent (int): Number of spaces for indentation. size (str): String with font size, e.g. '100%'. seconds (bool): Print seconds in timestamp. tz (bool): Print time zone in timestamp. """ import time if seconds: time_str = _dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: time_str = _dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') if tz: time_str += ' ' + time.tzname[time.localtime().tm_isdst] # Add current tz, accounting for DST fd.write(' '*indent + '<br>\n') fd.write(' '*indent + '<p style="font-size:'+size+'; text-align:center; margin:0;">Last update: '+time_str+'</p>\n') fd.write(' '*indent + '\n') return
if __name__ == '__main__': pass